I came home to lunch today only to find my computer with a Trend Micro window sitting in the bottom right corner of my right-most monitor. Since I had turned the machine on that morning, there had been 1400+ blocked URL attempts and 84 blocked security alerts. This is what I get for leaving my machine on with Remote Access enabled.
Bad Doug!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
HydraHouse - Masbot Beginnings
I did several quick silhouette thumbnails in attempt to come up with a mascot for HydraHouse. Since I've never really been good at organic modeling, I figured I would revive and revamp my mascot from my original website so many years ago (he looked a lot like Claptrap from Borderlands). I will be attempting to build a mascot based on the company's name but keep it mechanical to tie back to the original Masbot (and I'm also thinking of some cool ways this can tie into the render farm). My two primary inspiration pieces/sources are the mechanical arms from Dr. Octopus and the mythic creatures, Hydra (dragons, wyverns, and the like as well).
As a rigging challenge, I will be adding the ability to switch mechanical pieces on the fly via variables. I'm hoping to have three separate themes: standard industrial, techno, and steampunk. I look forward the the modeling and texturing challenges as well.
As a rigging challenge, I will be adding the ability to switch mechanical pieces on the fly via variables. I'm hoping to have three separate themes: standard industrial, techno, and steampunk. I look forward the the modeling and texturing challenges as well.
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