Wednesday, March 27, 2013

1st Server Status :: Operational .. Mostly

OS is finally installed. I'm going through the final configuration.  I need to start picking out the server side programs (anti virus primarily).  I'm going through the whole Exchange nightmare now of making sure that only certain firewall ports are open.  Stuck on the email and RDP ports at the moment.  DNS changes have been made (and will need to be made again when I bring the server home).

final piece (besides email folder setup, rules, etc)will be the customer portal.  I'm hoping to get the intial portal up by the end of this week (as soon as the firewall is done)

I almost have enough cash to buy the second server (initial access storage) where the source files will be uploaded and read from and the render files will be saved to.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

First Server - Meh

Putting together this first server is not going as smoothly as I thought it would.  I have yet to get the OS loaded onto the system.  First there was no optical drive bay, then we had problems getting a USB CDROM to be detected, now I'm having issues getting the CDROM to be picked up on the IDE ribbon cable.  It's just one thing after another with the project.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Time to Revamp

Got a dose of cold truth: my reel isn't up to snuff.  After watching it, there's just a lot of really old work on there along with work that isn't my best.  I've decided that it's time to archive it and update my demo reel by starting from scratch.  I will only include work from Black Ops, but nothing further back than that.

The plan is to make 4-6 scenarios and do variations of each, a technical demo reel primarily with rigging and motion capture, and a a short animated sequence (hopefully fully rendered).

I'm at the starting line. Go!