Friday, January 27, 2012

Kitten Ambush - Kitten update

Finally finished laying out the UVs on the first creature model I've done in over three years. Going to take it into ZBrush to do the texturing. Hope to be done with it and have an image update by the end of the weekend.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Projects Update - Current list

I have stopped working on the Blackout project by Divinity Studios due to a lack of communication, direction, work ethic and drive on the part of the team. I'm sure there are times when they work on tasks, but every time I am on Skype to talk about the project, they're talking about music, YouTube or talking about how they are pwning noobs in the latest Modern Warfare. I'm thinking the time difference is probably a major factor in this. I'm ready to work and most of them are playing.

I tried joining a few other projects, but to no avail. The project leads seemed interested but I never heard back, which bodes ill for future communications on the projects.

I've started asset creation and Concept Doc for a small Tower Defense game. I hope to have my first unit done by the end of this week, and variations done by the end of the weekend.

I've also begun looking for a new full time job (hopefully back in the industry). My current job is fulfilling at best, and just plain boring at worst. I've also approached my brother about creating assets for the Unity Asset store and selling them and splitting the money. I hope to have an answer from him by the end of the week.